Saturday, February 28, 2015


Porous coral structure (
            The design of the expansion of Mumbai has to do with the idea of symbiosis    – long term interaction between two or more different biological species[1]-. This project aims to the creation of a beneficial symbiosis between humans and water, through a medium, which is the city fabric that it is proposed. Water is an element, not a living organism, but its’ ability of transforming, of flow or of changing its consistence according to environmental or physical parameters is something that could be translated as ‘living’ as there is not a stable condition. The effects in the city due to this unpredictability are concerning my research. Taking into consideration the upcoming floods and the projected sea level rise that is expected to occur in Mumbai, my project is rethinking previously used design methods that have created a boundary between water and human life. Today, this boundary leads to floods and pollution in the case of Mumbai. The purpose of the new city is to invite people and water to cooperate. In this project habitation will be based on water currents and flows, something that architecture in Mumbai should had already start doing, due to the significant destruction that the original unity of the seven islands has caused to the physical environment and to peoples’ lives.
            Is it necessary to create a boundary for water? I believe that blocking water flow can only cause problems. Water is an essential element for living organisms and especially for humans. So, why do our cities always try to block it away? With appropriate architectural design a symbiosis between water and humans, could be beneficial for both and for the city fabric. The new city that this project propose has the same purpose as the ‘typical’ city, that of protection. The difference is in the way that this will be accomplished.
            The expansion of the city will be in the water, due to many reasons. Water is part of Mumbaikers society since their first colonization there, as fishermen. However, the relationship between this two is doubtful regarded the quality of everyday life that is producing. They used to be fishermen’s, now they observe water as a sightseeing full of rubbish. They used to use it in their everyday activities, now they observed it from distance. The city after a flood is full of mud, which causes dirtiness and illnesses, before the reclamation physical water flow was filtrate the polluted water. Moreover, they used to have a physical ventilation system during the very high temperatures, now the atmosphere is full of smog. They used to wash their clothes in the river, now they wash them in the streets. The boundary that the reclamation causes between them and the water is the main reason for the existing conditions. The future expansion of the city should be in the water. Except from the already existing relationship between water and Mumbaikers, a second reason for this design proposal is the idea of ‘city efficiency’. Many urbanists claim that there is a threshold between expansion distance and efficiency, meaning the maximum distance from the city center in order -city, distance and time- to work beneficially for the economical and sociological growth of the city. As Alain Bertaud argues Mumbai’s’ unique geomorphology causes many problems in the city efficiency.                 -‘Because of the absence of bridges, the land area accessible at less than 25 km from the CBD is only 230 km2, as compared to 1523 km2 for Jakarta and 1864 km2 for Seoul. Because of its geographical location Mumbai has only 15% of the land available in Jakarta, which is also a sea port.’[2]-      Therefore, the expansion of Mumbai inside the radius of 25km from the city center is essential element for its urban growth. The 25km from the city center are composed from less land than water. Due to all the reasons that I mentioned above, the expansion inside the water is unavoidable.
            The design method that I propose is influenced from the Atolls found in Maldives, southwest of India. Their organic shapes have occurred due to the hydrodynamics of the water. Several small islands, instead of one big region will allow the water to flow freely in Mumbai. After the consideration of the hydrodynamics and the bathymetries of the creek and the Arabian Sea that surrounding Mumbai, I am proposing the expansion in the side of the Arabian Sea.  An expansion in the side of the creek will affect the water currents, resulting in similar problems that the city faces today. Moreover, shrinking the Creek of Mithi River, could lead in a fast flowing water current that could result in erosions so, in destruction of the land. Last, according to the bathymetries, the contours in the side of Arabian Sea are less than in the creek, which means that the height differences inside the sea are moderate. Therefore a construction for the side of the Sea is more effective.
            Most urban planning is concerned primarily with city organization. The proposing masterplan however, takes physical environment into consideration first, while the zoning of the city will occur according to its physical characteristics. The reason behind this proposal is the significant role that the physical environment and especially the water have in the formation of Mumbai and the every day citizens lives.  As I have already mention in my previous post treating nature with hardness will only result in problems, as the unpredictability of nature is something that none of the today constructions can come up against.  The proposing expansion takes into account that the Arabian Sea is actually part of the Indian Ocean, as a result strong waves could occasionally occur, which could lead in destructions. In order to avoid damage from the water, multiple layers of protection will be used that their characteristics will also create the zoning. Influenced from the atolls protection zoning, the first layer of protection will be a submerged continuous infrastructure that will mostly function as a wave breaker. There could be manufacture area, energy generator or even the port, zones that could survive semi submerged in the water. In the second layer of protection the development of the city will start. Influenced from coral reefs each island will be composed from semi submerged porous systems, so water can either pass inside or over it without blocking its flow. This porous system will be combined from multiple size openings. The openings are being used part for the freely water flow and part for the city structure. In the periphery they will function as a secondary wave breaker while they will also divide the physical flow of the water in multiple directions in order to slow down the strong water currents. In the center of the island the different size of the openings will arrange the zoning. Smaller openings that tend to create a compact land will create the infrastructure for public space, while larger openings will be used for building constructions. Buildings will attach to the openings  like corals are attaches to the reefs. They could be part submerged in the water and part on the surface of the island.
This system is similar to the infrastructure cities have today, the difference is that instead of building on the land the constructions will be on the water. In this way city expansion on the water could be developed without damaging the physical environment or blocking the water flow. Also the unite of the city construction – buildings, infrastructure- will be beneficial against the strong waves and water currents, a lesson learned also from the coral reefs structure. The islands size will be equal or smaller to the original 7 islands, because they had occurred from natural processes and their symbiosis with the water were successful. The connectivity between the islands will take place through submerged subways or bridges. This new sprawl design of the city of Mumbai is essential for its future development. The disurbanism that is introduced in this project will result in beneficial future for the city, as it will not only decongest the city center, but it will respect the physical environment and it will adapt to its characteristics.


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