Friday, March 27, 2015


The Colaba Woods Garden, The Shopping Center, and The Slums - Mumbai, March 2015
The WTC shopping center - Mumbai March 2015

The walk towards the slums - Mumbai, March 2015

The site stands vacant between three worlds. On its right stand the dense trees of Colaba Woods Garden, on its left the dense homes of Dhobi Ghat, and at its head the towering World Trade Centers of Mumbai. At the base of the world trade center is a three-story shopping center.

On my first visit to the site, the area around the center was barricaded with police officers. I walked inside the center to large signs that shouted “No Photographs Allowed on the Premises”- the shops were closed, the center was empty, except for police officers and a few civilians that walked in straight to the elevators and core circulation. After sneaking in a few photos with my phone, I left the WTC and began walking toward the slums. As I got closer the activity on the streets increased. Children were playing on the streets, women were seated on the sidewalk conversing with one another, and taxi drivers were taking power naps in their rickshaws and cars. The adjacent woods stood untouched behind a tall fence.

Looking at an aerial photo of the site, I started to wonder whether my hybrid workshops and market of informal and formal shops could be a structure that connects the slums to the WTC shopping center and the Woods. The highly industrious slums are surrounded with a 3 meter high wall constraint with space, the center and the woods stand unoccupied. As the markets proliferate into the design and grow they could eventually infiltrate into the existing fabric that is deserted. 

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